Posts Tagged ‘privacy’


individual privacy

June 26, 2009

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has gotten a lot of attention in the news lately for his disappearance to Argentina, his affair and his possible misuse of funds, but not a lot of people are questioning the methods of how the e-mails between Sanford and his lover were obtained.

It seems privacy has lost a lot of its importance in today’s culture. While everyone is twittering about their every move, invasion of privacy issues seem to be non-existent.

The steamy e-mails between the governor and his lady friend became the center of the news, probably because they were entertaining, instead of how his job was affected by the affair or his sudden trip out of the country. While it may not be moral to take a mistress, is it moral for the media to make public someone’s private e-mails if they do not have to do with his public office? Or is everything on the internet fair game if you can find it?